Curriculum and Syllabus for Diploma in Teacher Education Programme in Tamil Nadu

The DTERT renewed the curriculum and syllabus in the light of NCFTE (2005). The new syllabus and source books were introduced from the academic year 2008-09. It aims at the preparation of committed teachers whose professionalism would enable them to sustain their learning interest throughout their career. (Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, 41A). It focuses learner centered and ways and means of facilitating and enhancing learning by children.

The duration of the course is two academic years with 220 working days in a year. In the first year the transaction takes place for about 1100 hours.(Table 1)


Table 1: First Year Course-work and Hours Allotted
Course Work Details Hours Allotted
4 Days of Child Observation and doing Case Study 20
4 Days of School Visit 20
40 Days of Internship 200
172 Days of Class work (Theory and Practicum) 860
Total 110

In the Second year the transaction takes place for about 1100 hours. (Table 2)

Table 2: First Year Course-work and Hours Allotted
Course Work Details Hours Allotted
8 Days of Project Related Work 40
40 Days of Internship 200
172 Days of Class work (Theory and Practicum) 860
172 Days of Class work (Theory and Practicum) 1100

Eligibility for Admission

A pass in Higher Secondary or any equivalent examination conforming to the norms set by NCTE / State Government, if any is the eligible conditions to undergo the course.

Taught Courses, Transaction, and Evaluation

Each year two core papers and five subject papers (both Content and Methodology) are offered. Each core and subject paper is taught for 100 hours per year. The details are given in the Tables 3 and 4.

Table 3: First Year Taught Courses, Transaction, and Evaluation
Taught Courses Time in Hours 50 Marks
External Internal
The Learning Child 100 100 25
Facilitating & Enhancing Learning-I 100 100 25
Teaching of Tamil -I 100 100 25
Teaching of English-I 100 100 25
Teaching of Mathematics-I 100 100 25
Teaching of Science -I 100 100 25
Total 700 700 200
Table 4: Second Year Taught Courses, Transaction, and Evaluation
Taught Courses Time in Hours 50 Marks
External Internal
Indian Education System 100 100 25
Facilitating & Enhancing Learning-II 100 100 25
Teaching of Tamil -II 100 100 25
Teaching of English-II 100 100 25
Teaching of Mathematics-Ii 100 100 25
Teaching of Science -II 100 100 25
Total 700 700 200