B.Ed : Course Highlights

Bachelor of Education or B. Ed. is an undergraduate program of 2-year duration.The course specifically caters to the students who are interested in pursuing a career in teaching and related fields. It is a skill based training program which imparts knowledge to students regarding all aspects of classroom teaching


Theory Courses for First Year
S.No Course Name Marks for Theory Marks for T & A Total
Course 1 Childhood and Growing Up 70 30 100
Course 2 Contemporary India and Education 70 30 100
Course 3 Learning and Teaching 70 30 100
Course 4 Language across the Curriculum 35 15 50
Course 5 Understanding Disciplines and Subjects 35 15 50
Course 6 Gender, School and Society 35 30 50
Course 7(a) Pedagogy of a School subject — Part — I (Methodology) 35 15 50
Subject Total 350 150 500

Note: T & Arefers to 'Tasks and Assignments' which are evaluated by continuous internal assessment.

Engagement with the Field for First Year [Courses on Enhancing Professional Capacities (EPC)]

Course EPC 1 Reading and Reflecting on Texts 50 Marks
Course EPC 2 Drama and Art in Education 50 Marks
Course EPC 3 Drama and Art in Education 50 Marks
Sub - Total 150 Marks
Grand Total (500+150) 650 Marks

Note: The courses on 'Enhancing Professional Capacities' EPC 1, EPC 2 & EPC 3 are evaluated by continuous internal assessment.

Theory Courses for Second Year
S.No Course Name Marks for Theory Marks for T & A Total
Course 7(b) Pedagogy of a School Subject — Part II (Content Mastery) 35 15 50
Course 8 Knowledge and Curriculum 70 30 100
Course 9 Assessment for Learning 70 30 100
Course 10 Creating an Inclusive School 35 15 50
Course 11 Optional Courses: (Any one )
1.Yoga, Health and Physical Education
2. Environmental Education
3. Values and Peace Education
35 15 50

Note: T& A refers to "Tasks and Assignments" which are evaluated by continuous internal assessment.

Engagement with the Field (EPC) for Second Year Courses on Enhancing Professional Capacities (EPC)

Course EPC 4 Understanding the Self 50 Marks
Understanding the Self 250 Marks
Course EPC 3 650 Marks
Sub - Total 150 Marks
Grand Total (500+150) 650 Marks

Note: The courses on 'Enhancing Professional Capacities' EPC 1, EPC 2 & EPC 3 are evaluated by continuous internal assessment.